Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Sell a House?

Enter the zip code of your home and we’ll make you a cash offer!

Ready to initiate your recovery

Enter your name and number to initiate your recovery.

How It Works


Enter your basic property information.


We'll arrange a time to view your home.


Get a no-obligation, cash offer. No repairs needed.


If you accept - we'll buy your house quickly and hassle free.


How to Deal with Bad Renters

Thinking of Selling Your Vacant Property?

Are Expensive Home Repairs Draining Your Bank Account?

Dealing with Foreclosure

5 Questions To Ask BEFORE Selling Your Property to a Cash Buyer

Frequently Asked Questions
How does Jax Enterprises charge for recovery services?
We charge a fair and reasonable fee, based on a percentage of the total amount successfully recovered. The fee is payable only after the funds are recovered and back in your possession. If we recover nothing, you pay nothing.
Do we have to pay any money to Jax Enterprises up front?
We will never request or require money up front to recover your funds.
How do we know that Jax Enterprises offer is not a scam or fraud?
We have a long and growing list of satisfied customers around the country who can attest to the successful work we perform. If we haven’t already, we will be happy to provide you with references for you to contact and inquire about our services. Our references include contact phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and physical addresses for direct contacts at many major U.S. corporations, as well as private citizens for whom we have completed work. You will have the opportunity to talk directly to our references prior to engaging our services.
What are the benefits of using Jax Enterprises services?
Our wealth of experience helps us steer clear of the many obstacles and roadblocks that frequently cause long delays and problems within the claim and/or selling process. This provides you with a more efficient and less stressful experience. The services we offer can often be a tedious, frustrating, and time-consuming project. Most of our clients are already overburdened with multiple priorities. We strive to bring you real results with minimal effort on your part.
How is it possible that these funds exist without our knowledge?

There are many reasons that funds may become available that you are not aware of and could not have anticipated. A common example is that of a home owner or a business that paid insurance at their residence or business location over a period of time. Let’s suppose that the person or business moves to a new location and obtains insurance from a new carrier. Years after the move, a court may find that the previous insurance company over charged for its services, and orders that the insurance company provide a refund to the affected customers. The insurance company would then calculate a refund and send it to the previous address of record. Since the post office only forwards mail for six months, your refund would be returned to the insurance company as undeliverable. At that time, the insurance company is not required to spend any extra effort in locating you. After a specified period of time, by law, the funds become officially abandoned. This is only one example of many possible scenarios that might occur with vendors, suppliers, customers, and others you may deal with in your business or personal life.

Why weren't we notified by the party who originally held the funds?

There are many reasons why the party who originally held your funds may not have previously notified you. Some common reasons are as follows:

  • You may have changed your address
  • The holder may have an error in your address
  • The holders’ records may be incomplete and disorganized
  • The party who held your funds may not have an internal policy which requires them to make an effort to locate and notify you
  • The holder may have no incentive to locate you and return the funds
  • The holder may have gone out of business or been acquired by a new owner
  • You may have an unlisted number or otherwise be difficult to find
  • The holder of funds may not have sufficient information to determine that you are a rightful heir or beneficiary to funds they hold
How long does the process take?

Depending on the complexity of your claim and in some cases, which state, county, or city your funds are located, the process can take anywhere from one to several months to complete. More complex claims or claims with unusual challenges and circumstances can take upwards of six months to a year to complete.

What is required of us to get the process started?

In most cases, just a couple of items:

  • A signed Recovery Agreement
  • Your mailing address
  • If your company engages Jax Enterprises, we will require your official title and the title of a corporate officer who will verify your position and authority to sign on behalf of the company

Once we have this basic information, we will prepare an assortment of documents that will be sent to you for signature, along with an enumerated list of items that must also accompany your claim.

Jax Enterprises does not request a fee upfront to begin the recovery process.

What information or documentation will we have to provide along with our claim documents?

Once we have your signed agreement to begin the recovery process, we will assemble and send to you the claim documents for your signature. Along with the claim documents, we will provide you an itemized checklist of items that you will need to assemble. Depending on whether yours is a company claim or a private citizen’s claim, among the items you will need to provide are the following:

  • Proof of identity (usually in the form of a state drivers license, passport or other state or federally issued photo ID)
  • Proof of Employer Identification Number (also known as an EIN or FEIN)
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of entitlement to the funds in question
  • Proof of authority to act on behalf of the company
  • In the case of private citizen’s claims, proof of Social Security Number

Other documents may be required in support of the above, such as third party documentation proving that you resided at a specific address, or proof that you had business dealings with a particular company.

What happens if our claim is denied?

The denial of most claims can be corrected and overcome. If your claim is denied, Jax Enterprises will first evaluate the reason(s) for denial and determine what steps can be taken. If we can take steps to resolve the denial without your assistance, we will do so. If we cannot resolve the matter without your assistance, we will contact you for additional information and/or supporting documents. If together we determine that sufficient documentation has been provided and the claim is still denied, we can discuss various processes in place to address the grievance.

On rare occasion, claims are denied for reasons that cannot be overcome. For example, an Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number may not match the number remitted with the funds in question and the holder refuses to release the funds on this basis. There are other reasons that a claim could have insurmountable challenges. However, we perform exhaustive research at the inception of the claim process in order to avoid such problems to the greatest extent possible.

What if only a portion of our claim is paid?

There are a couple of reasons that claims are partially paid. Occasionally, funds may be jointly owned, but the joint status is not provided until such time that the claim is submitted and evaluated. Another reason for partial payment could be that a portion of the claim had already been paid out to another joint owner, and again joint status is not provided until such time that the claim is submitted and evaluated. In the case of corporate claims, occasionally a holder determines that the claimant corporation does not own/control 100% of an entity for which funds are being held. In the case of heirs, a holder may conclude that other heirs may be partially entitled to the funds.

How do I get Jax Enterprises to make me an offer?
Fill out the home seller form and a professional will contact you within 24 hours. In a hurry? Call 1-800-318-8815
Are there any fees or costs associated with selling my house?
No! We buy houses and will make you an offer without real estate agent fees or commissions.
I need to sell my house fast. How long might it take for me to get an offer to sell my house?
Every situation is unique, but it’s not uncommon to get a cash offer in as little as 24-48 hours.
What if my house needs repairs?
We buy homes as-is, there are no need to make repairs.
How long does it take to close?
It depends on your situation, but typically we can close within 7 to 14 days.
I'm behind in my loan. Do I need to make another payment?
No. We regularly purchase homes that are behind in payments, facing foreclosure, or underwater.
I'm in foreclosure. Are you still interested?
Yes, as long as the foreclosure has not been finalized (the bank owns it) we can still make an offer to buy it.
If you buy my house before the bank forecloses, can I save my credit?
Selling your home before final foreclosure will prevent a “foreclosure” from appearing on your credit report and generally is better for your credit.
Can you buy my house if it's vacant?
Yes, the home can be in any condition and it does not matter if you occupy it, have a renter in the home, or if it is vacant.
Can you buy my house if I have a bad tenant in there now?
Yes. We are experienced dealing with bad or problem tenants.
My house is presently listed for sale with a real estate agent. Can you still buy my house?
Yes. You’ll likely still need to pay your agent’s commission, but we can still purchase your home.
If I have moved out of the area do I have to come back into town for a closing?
No, you can complete your end of the closing locally at most attorneys’ offices and your check can be mailed or deposited directly into your account.
I owe more than my house is worth. Can you help me?
Yes. Unfortunately, this is common and we can work with you and your bank through a process called a “short sale” to buy your home.